E PLURIBUS UNUM - From many one held together, a presentation of posts on the scales of art; scene, as the leafed olive branch, a torch-aflame, and oak leaves on branch; a silver lining; respectively to God, for mankind to share in His liberty, peace, and victory; the silver, the linear lining, glory be to God, to be in God's mercy, and God's grace, in prayer and meditation; to make His way clear for us to follow and determin a lead in the places we do not yet see.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Torch , Oak Branch, Olive Branch; US. Dime

Current Designs
Obverse: The current design on the obverse of the dime first appeared in

Dime http://www.treas.gov/education/faq/coins/denominations.shtml

US MINT - http://www.usmint.gov/mint_programs/circulatingCoins/index.cfm?flash=yes&action=CircDime Obverse: The current design on the obverse of the dime first appeared in 1946, soon after the death of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The Roosevelt dime was released on the late President's birthday which was January 30th of that year. FDR's left-facing bust was created by the Mint's Chief Engraver John R. Sinnock. Shortly after his death in 1945, citizens began writing to the Treasury Department requesting his likeness be depicted on a coin. The dime was a good choice because Roosevelt supported the March of Dimes, a program that raised funds for research to find a cure for polio. Roosevelt contracted the polio virus when he was 39 years old. Reverse: Mr. Sinnock also designed the reverse of this coin: a torch signifying Liberty, with an olive branch on the left signifying Peace, and an oak branch on the right, signifying Strength and Independence


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Supremacy and Diplomacy: The International Law of the U.S. Supreme Court & considered cases of international import

"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice doggie'until you can find a rock."- Will Rogers

Supremacy and Diplomacy: The International Law of the U.S. Supreme Court
HARLAN GRANT COHEN University of Georgia School of Law
Berkeley Journal of International Law, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2006

Abstract: In 2003-2004, a Presidential campaign year dominated by debates about international affairs and international law, the U.S. Supreme Court took an unusual number of cases of international import. The Court considered the Alien Tort Claims Act and the future of human rights suits in U.S. courts, the applicability of the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act to claims involving Nazi-stolen artwork, the applicability of American antitrust law to foreign anticompetitive activity, and the legality of the Guantanamo detentions. A great deal of ink has been spilled analyzing the individual impacts of each of these cases. What has been less considered is how these cases fit together and what, together, these cases can tell us about the Supreme Court's nascent theories of international law.Supremacy and Diplomacy: The International Law of the U.S. Supreme Court examines the international theory of the U.S. Supreme Court. ...(see more at © 2008 Social Science Electronic Publishing, Inc.)

Super Person Saves the Day! - Chapter 1 (Family Court Philosopher #90)
These essays may roam far afield of Family Court but usually return there eventually. ... paperwork, politics, law, diplomacy and personnel issues. ...www.familycourtchronicles.com/philosophy/superperson/ - 29k - Cached - Similar pages
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