E PLURIBUS UNUM - From many one held together, a presentation of posts on the scales of art; scene, as the leafed olive branch, a torch-aflame, and oak leaves on branch; a silver lining; respectively to God, for mankind to share in His liberty, peace, and victory; the silver, the linear lining, glory be to God, to be in God's mercy, and God's grace, in prayer and meditation; to make His way clear for us to follow and determin a lead in the places we do not yet see.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Mesquite Tree Bean; The Roots To The Water; The Bread and The Wine; The Body and The Blood; Of Water And Spirit

What Did Jesus Mean When He Said, "I Never Knew You"?


What did Jesus mean when he said, “This is my body and blood”?


Just as this post is not a post of critique on "any", or "the", "watchtower" or any comparitive of religions or denominations, nore a hub of thought statement "to start our thinking straight" or 'to guide our focus", that THIS ONE SEARCH RESULT SIMPLY STARTS BY SHARING SOME "SIMILARITY".
So, I pulled that one result and paste it here just for an ""i.e."" (that it may be a good start to relate what I've compared by the KEYWORDS OF THIS POST TITLE)
SO this is the ""GOOGLE DESCRIPTION"" found as described by wiki.answers.
THAT Wiki.answers.com page is just one, of who knows how many may be; just that, of an interesting result; hyperlinked :
wiki.answers.com › ... › Comparative Religions and DenominationsCached - Similar
Wine signifies blood, and blood signifies life "the life is in the blood" (Lev 17:14) ... spiritual food, "I am the bread from heaven" (John 6:51), or the body of Christ. ... As He teaches in John 2 "man is first born of water and then spirit" signified by ...
The update here today is the conclusion lede to this conclusion statement; "this drift" is of my focus is now  full of enough detail to move "from draft" to "published post".

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