E PLURIBUS UNUM - From many one held together, a presentation of posts on the scales of art; scene, as the leafed olive branch, a torch-aflame, and oak leaves on branch; a silver lining; respectively to God, for mankind to share in His liberty, peace, and victory; the silver, the linear lining, glory be to God, to be in God's mercy, and God's grace, in prayer and meditation; to make His way clear for us to follow and determin a lead in the places we do not yet see.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


What Is a Half-Penny anyway?
Half a Penny?
That's better than  none; I guess.
Yet one small wonder, since discussions, at least in Washington's Executive Branch shares open talk of doing away with the U.S. Penny; is this wise decision at all; a wonder or a wisdom out of economic, financial, and political formulas; and of each, what purpose and need would  this fulfill , or subtract, from and to?

Of coarse we do not worship money.
Is it time to start throwing Nickels into the Share-A-Penny Jar?
Should the U.S.A. Mint's systematic production start cutting pennies in half,....
... the wonder would be to whether considerations had been made to double the economic physical work of working with one tenth of a tenth of a whole dollar; or...
..., if it is, that there is, of if there is a trickle going up ...
...or trickeling down or anywhere at all; that is again, or both...
..and of both those by the numbers, is it this that sustains a tenth of a tenth of the population using the denomination of this currency ?
Are there hidden common denominations far less than a penny that are attached to electronic billing systems that already round off to the nearest penny?
$1.00.5; no!, simply just .005 or after the .99 is the .00-and-a-half!
Allready-Every under 1 dollar is every 9 tenths and 9 pennys sgort 1 penny.
Every hundred of 9 1-Thousandths would be what?, a penny or a Dime, less than a whole dollar?

The Fiat Currency is a trend of trade that margins 8 dollars for credit issuance to  every 1 dollar; the abstracts of what that 1 dollar might be, I do not even know...
Every Printed Dollar?
Every Dollar entered into circulation? (iS that the same as ptinted?)
..Every Dollar Barrowed?
...Every Dollar in debt over 1 calendar year?
....What is a Penny really worth?
.....What's a Nickle anyway?

Is a decision of the matter a political one of economic sound?
Is this a  psychological creation that is meant to elate the feelings...
.. of working with higher dollar totals? (I meant Nickel totals)?

In all, denominations; we share.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?

Is there still a Political Prayer Team?

Today’s Prayer - From the Prayer Wall

Heavenly Father, I pray for Your blessing on all those who seek Your face for our nation. Grant them insight. May their prayers ascend to Your presence as a sweet aroma. Forgive us for believing the lie that our nation is doomed. We come to You trusting the power of Your Word which says You will save our land if we humble ourselves and pray. Our people may be disciplined, but You will heal our land. I also stand before You on behalf of our president. Take what he has done that is bad and turn it around for good. Turn him around for the sake of righteousness.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

I liked what i saw on the presidentialprayerteam.org
We must offer prayers unto God that are “powerful and effective” (
James 5:16) on behalf of this wonderful country we are blessed to call home, and we need to pray for the President and those who represent us in leadership (I Timothy 2:1-2), that we might experience peace in our land.

We must not fail to pray!

Acts 2:8 - Online Parallel Bible
SimilarNT Apostles: Acts 2:8 How do we hear
everyone in our ... (Acts of the Apostles Ac) Christian Bible Study 

Resources, Dictionary, Concordance and Search Tools


Half cent (United States coin) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Half_cent_(United_States_coin) Similar
The half cent is the smallest denomination of United States coin ever minted. First authorized by the Coinage Act of 1792 on April 2, 1792, the coin was produced ...

What is a half-penny worth today?

We probably dont need a team for every branch.

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